My journey to indexing

I began my indexing business in 2018. Here’s how I got here.

Academic qualifications
I have an MA in Physics (Oxford University), an MSc in Information Management (University of Sheffield), a Certificate in Environmental Conservation (University of Sheffield), and a piano diploma (London College of Music).

Professional roles
Before starting my indexing business, I was a patent examiner for several years. This honed my analytical skills and gave me confidence in performing 'deep dives' of specialist subjects, quickly getting to grips with new ideas and making connections between topics - essential for book indexing.

I later moved into academic research, undertaking and publishing literature reviews and qualitative research in the field of health and wellbeing. I also taught and supervised doctoral students and became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Book indexing
I was the joint winner of the UK Society of Indexers (SI) Betty Moys Award for the most promising newly accredited indexer when I completed their training course in 2013. I took the plunge and left academia for indexing in 2018; in 2023 I gained Fellowship status with the SI after undertaking significant additional learning and professional development. I am also now a tutor for their training course. I have presented at indexing conferences and written articles for indexing publications. My indexing practice is broadening and developing as I reflect on my own practice, debate with colleagues, and learn from and contribute to indexing research.

Away from the books
When I am not indexing, I will likely be in a green space in my walking boots or waders, either in the Peak District or closer to home in Sheffield. I have a long-standing interest in ecology and wildlife conservation, and currently volunteer with the Friends of the Porter Valley. I also undertake kick-sampling surveys with the Riverfly Partnership.

Pile of legal paperwork
Kingfisher flying from water with fish in beak