Publishers: how I will create a great index for your book
Please get in touch as early as you can if you would like to discuss your project with me: it doesn’t matter if it’s not ready for indexing yet. I am happy to pencil in work several weeks or months into the future and understand that publication schedules are tentative. Due to shifting schedules I sometimes have availability for urgent work too. I do my best to accommodate interesting projects wherever I can.
Working in partnership to create a great index
Excellence in indexing
My indexing credentials mean you can trust that I will produce a high-quality index that ticks all the right technical boxes. As a Fellow of the Society of Indexers I take my own professional development seriously and keep on top of developments in indexing technology to keep me working as efficiently and effectively as possible. I am happy to create embedded indexes in Word or InDesign.
I never share book manuscripts with anyone else and never upload them anywhere they may be used to train large language models.
Our working relationship
I have worked with many publishers, and have enjoyed long and fruitful working relationships with several editors who ‘found’ me for one job and have stuck with me since.
You will find me easy to work with: I am friendly but professional, and am well-used to accommodating shifting production schedules. I always try to build in contingency time when planning my own work, and often deliver early, but have never delivered late. Naturally I will take on board any indexing preferences or requirements you have (e.g. index coverage and length, and house style) and we will agree how to handle certain types of content, or sensitive subject-matter. Should any challenges present themselves, I reach pragmatic solutions based on what I have found to work well, and will explain any indexing decisions I have taken. I will always draw your attention to trickier things I needed to figure out and explain what I have done and why. I have found this gives editors confidence in my work, and can be useful when handling author queries.
Authors are usually delighted with my indexes and I am very rarely asked to make any changes at all. However I am, of course, happy to accommodate suggested amendments (or explain why any changes might contradict good indexing practice) and am happy to be put in direct contact with the author if this will expedite the process. (See my case studies for an example of a project where this was done to good effect.)
“Just wanted to pass along a quick note from the author - he’s absolutely thrilled with it and asked me to thank you on his behalf.”
Sorting out a problem index
A fresh pair of eyes
Perhaps an author has created their own index that falls short of the required standard?
Or another indexer has produced an index that the author is not happy with?
I can help. I will identify the scope of the problems and assess the most cost-effective way to sort them out. I will work with you, or the author, to bring the index up to scratch. (See my case studies for an example of this type of work.)
“The author wanted me to thank you on her behalf for your ‘excellent work and speed’. Your work is always brilliant, thank you again for doing such a great job!”
“The author would like to thank you for your sensitive and careful work.”
“You’ve done a marvellous job on the index once again, many thanks!”
“As always, such a pleasure working with you, thank you so much for your insight and help with this title.”
A fair price for high quality
Society of Indexers rates (updated Jan 2025)
£32.70 per hour / £3.65 per page / £9.90 per thousand words of indexable text
Most publishers approach me with an indexing budget in mind. I will check before accepting a job whether your budget will enable me to spend the time I need to create a high quality index.
If I am invited to quote for a project, I usually quote based on indexable word count, and use the Society of Indexers recommended minimum rates above as a starting point for setting my fees. I may charge more for particularly long or complex texts which take proportionately longer to do. I charge extra for embedded indexes, as they are also more time-consuming to create.
Occasionally (e.g. when sorting out a problem index) I agree to charge on an hourly basis subject to an agreed ceiling.