Books indexed in EDUCATION, LEARNING
Beach, N. & Spruce, G. (eds), Instrumental music teaching: perspectives and challenges, Trinity College London Press
Cantley, I., The philosophical limitations of educational assessment: implications for academic selection, Palgrave Macmillan
Chapman, Z., The Access to Higher Education handbook, Sage
Coe, R., Waring, M., Hedges, L.V. & Day Ashley, L. (eds), Research methods & methodologies in education, 4th ed., Sage
Dunlosky, J. & Rawson, K.A. (eds), The Cambridge handbook of cognition and education, Cambridge University Press
Feldman, E. & Contzius, A., Instrumental music education: teaching with the musical and practical in harmony, 3rd ed., Routledge
Ghandi, P., Student mental health: a little guide for teachers, Corwin
Harrington, J., Beale, B., Fancourt, A. & Lutz, C. (eds), The 'BrainCanDo' handbook of teaching and learning: practical strategies to bring psychology and neuroscience into the classroom, Routledge
Huertas Barros, E. & Vine, J. (eds), New perspectives on assessment in translator education, Routledge
Jenks, C.J., Researching classroom discourse: a student guide, Routledge
Kara, B., The diverse curriculum, Corwin
Newell, R., Mastery mathematics for primary teachers, 2nd ed., Sage
Selfridge, R., Using student data: a little guide for teachers, Corwin
Such, C., Primary reading simplified: a practical guide to classroom teaching & whole-school implementation, Corwin
Titlebaum, M., Jazz improvisation using simple melodic embellishment, Routledge
Watson, A. & Newman, R., A practical guide to teaching English in the secondary school, 2nd ed., Routledge
Ziskovsky, B. & Ziskovsky, J., Optimizing student learning: a lean systems approach to improving K-12 education, 2nd ed., CRC Press