Abdulla, S. & Clarke, C., FRCR physics notes: medical imaging physics for the first FRCR examination, Radiology Cafe
Burnett, D., Why your parents are driving you up the wall and what to do about it, Penguin Books [for younger readers]
Burnett, D., Emotional ignorance: lost and found in the science of emotion, Faber & Faber
Cahall, F., States of adventure: stories about finding yourself by getting lost, DK
Carter, G., How to write a self-help book, Practical Inspiration Publishing
Clarke, C. & Dux, A., Chest X-rays for medical students, 2nd ed., Wiley Blackwell
Crisp, R.J., Turner, R.H. & Meleady, R., Essential social psychology, 5th ed., Sage
Dickinson, J.J., Compo, N.S., Carol, R.N., Schwartz, B.L. & McCauley, M. (eds), Evidence-based investigative interviewing: applying cognitive principles, Routledge
Dunlosky, J. & Rawson, K.A. (eds), The Cambridge handbook of cognition and education, Cambridge University Press
Edwards, D. & Best, S. (eds), The textbook of health and social care, Sage
Elman, M., How to say no, Puffin [for younger readers]
Fontenelle, L.F. & Yucel, M. (eds), A transdiagnostic approach to obsessions, compulsions and related phenomena, Cambridge University Press
Freeman, S., Steen, C. & Bleakley, G., Essentials of nursing critically ill adults, Sage
Garvey, B. & Stokes, P., Coaching and mentoring: theory and practice, 4th ed., Sage
Geng, G. & Disney, L., Your guide to wellbeing at university, Sage
Ghandi, P., Student mental health: a little guide for teachers, Corwin
Gregory, R. & Moore, B., Sorting it out: supporting teenage decision making, Cambridge University Press
Hall, P., Sex addiction: a guide for couples and those who help them, Routledge
Hembrow, I., Rare events: the inside story of a worldwide quest for safer medicines, Springer
Hodkinson, P. & Das, R., New fathers, mental health and digital communication, Palgrave Macmillan
Jepson, R., McAteer, J., Williams, A.J., Doi, L. & Buelo, A., Developing public health interventions: a step-by-step guide, Sage
Kingston, K. & Kingston, R., Space clearing, Volume 1: the art of clearing and revitalizing energies in buildings, Clear Space Living
Kingston, K. & Kingston, R., Space clearing, Volume 2: how space clearing works, Clear Space Living
Lagnado, D.A., Explaining the evidence: how the mind investigates the world, Cambridge University Press
Larsson, M. & Price, J., Breastfeeding and breast milk feeding, Thieme
Lawrence, P. & Hill, S., The Tao of dialogue, Routledge
Leslie, I., Conflicted: why arguments are tearing us apart and how they can bring us together, Faber & Faber
Linsley, P. & Kane, R. (eds), Evidence-based practice for nurses and allied health professionals, 5th ed., Sage
Lomas, T., Hefferon, K., Ivtzan, I. & Gardiner, K., Applied positive psychology, 2nd ed., Sage
McClean, S., Bray, I., de Viggiani, N., Bird, E. & Pilkington, P., Research methods for public health, Sage
Mayner, K., Untangled: a practical and inspirational guide to change we choose and change we don't, Matador
Molloy, C., Rhetorical ethos in health and medicine: patient credibility, stigma, and misdiagnosis, Routledge
Moncrieff, J., Chemically imbalanced: the making and unmaking of the serotonin myth, Flint
Moss, H., Music and creativity in healthcare settings: does music matter? Routledge
Neenan, M. & Dryden, W., Cognitive behaviour therapy: 100 key points and techniques, 3rd ed., Routledge
Olson, S., Images of the dead in grief dreams: a Jungian view of mourning, Routledge
Privitera, G. & Gillespie, J., Toward a healthy society, Cambridge University Press
Schechter, F., V: an empowering celebration of the vulva and vagina, Penguin Books
Schone, H.Q., Contested illness in context: an interdisciplinary study in disease definition, Routledge
Seaton, A. (ed), Science with purpose: fifty years of the Institute of Occupational Medicine, Matador
Sharman, A., IOSH Level 6 qualification Unit 3: Personal impact, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Shubs, D.H., Traumatic experiences of normal development: an intersubjective, object relations learning perspective on self, attachment, trauma, and reality, Routledge
Ven der Stap, T., IOSH Level 6 qualification Unit 1: Advanced safety and health practice, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Ven der Stap, T., IOSH Level 6 qualification Unit 2: Organisational process and strategy, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Wang, Q. & Gülgöz, S. (eds), Remembering and forgetting early childhood, Routledge
Wilson, J. Working with bereavement: a practical guide, Palgrave Macmillan