Office desk and executive chair beside a window


Anderson, D.S., Leadership in drug and alcohol abuse prevention: insights from long-term advocates, Routledge

Cheema, M.U., Munir, R. & Su, S., Corporate governance and whistleblowing: corporate culture and employee behaviour,   Routledge

Dawson, P. & Andriopoulos, C., Managing change, creativity and innovation 4th ed., Sage

Garvey, B. & Stokes, P., Coaching and mentoring: theory and practice 4th ed., Sage

Graupp, P., Steward, S. & Parsons, B., Creating an effective management system: integrating Policy Deployment, TWI,   and   KATA, CRC Press

Harrington, H.J. & Voehl, F. (eds), Total Innovative Management Excellence (TIME): the future of innovation, CRC Press

Huxley, R., Quaisser, C., Butler, C.R. & Dekker, R.W.R.J., Managing natural science collections: a guide to strategy,   planning and resourcing, Routledge

Lawrence, P. & Hill, S., The Tao of dialogue, Routledge

Mahajan, G., Value Dominant Logic: helping individuals and their companies to succeed, Taylor & Francis

Myers, M.D., Qualitative research in business and management, 3rd ed., Sage

Nothhaft, H., Werder, K.P., Vercic, D. & Zerfass, A. (eds), Future directions of strategic communication, Routledge

Ozkazanc-Pan. B., Entrepreneurial ecosystems: a gender perspective, Cambridge University Press

Rees, G. & Smith, P.E. (eds), Strategic human resource management: an international perspective, 3rd ed., Sage

Ross, K., How to coach for creativity and service excellence: a lean coaching workbook, CRC Press

Swanwick, T. & Vaux, E. (eds), ABC of quality improvement in healthcare, Wiley