Books indexed for YOUNGER READERS
Alexander, H., The good luck book: a celebration of global traditions, superstitions, and folklore, DK
Burnett, D., Why your parents are driving you up the wall and what to do about it, Penguin Books
Burnett, D., Why your parents are hung-up on your phone and what to do about it, Penguin Books
Deary, T. & Brown, M., Horrible histories: Bath, Scholastic
Elman, M., How to say no, Puffin Books
Morgan, S., The kids’ easy air fryer cookbook 2, Scholastic
Nelson, K. & Meikle, O., Tales of pirates, Neon Squid
Noodle Juice, All the world's a stage: a practical guide to performance, Noodle Juice
Noodle Juice, Thank you for the music: a practical guide to music, Noodle Juice
Robshaw, B, Weird philosophy, Puffin Books
Schechter, F., V: an empowering celebration of the vulva and vagina, Penguin Books
Treleaven, L. & Braun, P., Shevolution: celebrating girl power throughout history, Scholastic
Upton, D., Five minute mum: Starting school, Ladybird Books